
Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Cortney Mosle, MS, OTR/L

What is The Point?


The Point, OT is founded on the premise that development and maintenance of new skills is maximized when the skills are learned in a child’s natural environment, whether that be in their home, school, playground and other community settings, and even camps. The Point OT has been designed to engage in the experiences that the developing child encounters within his or her community in learning activities in natural play environments as well as in structured, seated work sessions and groups as appropriate to their age and ability levels. Cortney uses research-based and family-centered approaches while maximizing each child’s motivation and participation in the therapeutic process. Cortney strives to get to the point of the matter, working deeply with the child, their family, and their school team to progress their therapy goals as efficiently as possible.


Who is cortney?

Find out about our organization,
mission, our methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.



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